Learn more about our financial resilience support
Financial Resilience
Our financial resilience service supports Octavia residents who are experiencing financial challenges with budgeting, benefit entitlement, paying their essential bills and access to grants for food, fuel and other cost of living support.
This service is partly funded by Octavia Housing and achieved 519k in financial outcomes for 238 residents in 2021/22.
If you are a tenant of Octavia Housing and would like financial support, please contact your housing officer; you can also read more about this here.
Education and welfare grants
We administer small education and welfare grants on behalf of the Friends of Octavia to Octavia tenants who are in need.
Welfare grants are made for essential household items and may include, for example, a new television for a housebound older person or new carpets to replace damaged or old furnishings, or upon moving into a new home. Education grants are also available to support tenants with their ongoing education or training.
I'm writing to thank you for the grant enabling me to have a new cooker, after mine had been 'condemned'. A big thanks to all. It is comforting to know that the Octavia Foundation can help the elderly who have no one else to care for them. Mrs Johnson
If you are a tenant of Octavia Housing and would like to apply for a grant, please call 0208 354 5500.
Food support
We provide food support to Octavia residents who are unable to purchase food, such as foodbank vouchers. We assist Octavia residents living in any borough and also signpost to additional local support such as food pantries and community hubs. Another good resource for low cost food in your area is Too Good To Go (we have no affiliation).
If you are a tenant of Octavia Housing and in need of food support, please contact your Housing officer or call 0208 354 5500.
Gardening service
Our gardening support is temporarily paused, as part of a review to our service standards. Please check back soon for further information.
If you are a Westminster resident, Westminster Connects offer a free gardening service and details can be found here.